Please see the list of featured speakers here. A full list of speakers and presentations may be found here.
- 艾林‧麥克因
![]() Erin McKean is Chief Consulting Editor, American Dictionaries, for Oxford University Press, and the editor of VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly. She was the editor in chief of the The New Oxford American Dictionary, 2e. Her other books about words include Weird and Wonderful Words, More Weird and Wonderful Words, Totally Weird and Wonderful Words, and That's Amore. |
- 希詩‧霍特
Heather Ford is the Executive Director of iCommons and is based in Johannesburg. iCommons is a relatively new organisation, incubated by Creative Commons, with the goal of bringing together the various 'streams' of the global commons movement. Once a year, iCommons hosts the iCommons Summit (last year in Rio, this year in Dubrovnik) where we bring together people who practice commons-based peer production in the areas of free software, open access, Creative Commons, access to knowledge and free culture communities around the world. |
- 瑪莉莎‧哈格文
- 勒奧‧韋勒
Raoul Weiler located in Belgium in Antwerp. During the last years my activities focus primarily on sustainability issues as a planetary challenge, the use of low-cost ICT in schools and communities as a contribution to the eradication of illiteracy and bridging the digital gap, and facilitating the access of all to the oncoming worldwide information and knowledge societies, as well as on sustainable economy questions. |
- 利碧卡‧麥克因能
- 約里斯‧科曼
- 安卓拉‧比詩莉
![]() Angela Beesley, chair of Wikimedia's Advisory Board, is a co-founder of Wikia and a former member of Wikimedia's Board of Trustees. Angela has been involved with Wikipedia since February 2003. Angela has contributed a chapter on managing wikis to the book Wikis: Tools for information Work and Collaboration. Blog, Wikipedia article |
- :毛向輝
- 梁文信
- 瓦特‧卡寧咸
- 韋恩‧麥金塔什
![]() Wayne Mackintosh是個從事教育工作的專業學者,在溫哥華的Commonwealth of Learning中工作幫忙推廣及維護eLearning計劃和ICT政策(。他亦積極推動自由軟體的發展;他住在紐西蘭時就曾有地方政府以財政資助的方式支持一個名叫eLearning XHTML editor(簡稱eXe)的計劃。為了加入COL,他在南非大學亦有過創立Centre for Flexible and Distance Learning at the University of Auckland以及擔任其指導員之經驗。 |
- 艾倫‧迪斯列
- 希諾德‧高登
![]() Renaud Gaudin spent several months volunteering with Geekcorps Mali, an NGO focused on creating technology solutions for the developing world. With Geekcorps Mali he built custom linux-based information and communications technologies. He now works with Zirasun (a Bamako-based company) on bringing GNU/Linux to the desktops of West Africa. He is also the creator of moulin (, an offline distribution of Wikimedia projects targetting the third world. |
- 恩力‧錫那不勒‧伊達高Enric Senabre Hidalgo
![]() Enric (user:esenabre) is a PhD candidate at the Open University of Catalonia, preparing an online dissertation about the initial growth of Wikipedia and about similar ways of collaborating and organizing between open source communities and wikipedians. |
- 高爾恩‧波米爾
![]() Guillaume Paumier (m:User:guillom) is a French physicist and engineer mainly active on the French-language Wikipedia, meta and Commons. He is a Ph.D student in the field of Microfluidics and Microsystems for biology. He became steward in December 2006 and secretary of the French chapter Wikimedia France in January 2007. He is a member of the Communications Committee and the Marketing Committee, focusing on press inquiries and desktop publishing. |
- 金‧突克
![]() |
- 本捷明‧馬高‧希爾Benjamin Mako Hill
![]() Benjamin Mako Hill is a Debian hacker and author of the Debian GNU/Linux 3.1 Bible and "The Official Ubuntu Book". He works in the Computing Culture group of the MIT Media Lab, and is on the boards of Software Freedom International (the organization that organizes Software Freedom Day) and the Ubuntu Foundation. Hill was on the board of Software in the Public Interest from March 2003 until July 2006, serving as the organisation's vice-president from August 2004. Read more... |
- 拉維‧根德
- 提姆‧李諾能
- 迪克‧里希奧
![]() Dirk Riehle leads the open source research group at SAP Research. His research interests are open source software, collective intelligence and wikis, and object-oriented software architectures. In 2005, he started the Wiki Symposium, an annual conference dedicated to wiki research and practice, see His website is Contact him at |
- 祖哈‧維曼
![]() Juha Villman is software developer at National Public Health Institute (KTL) in Finland). He is currently working on Wiki environments for environmental health risk assessments. Educational background is Master of Science (computer science) and he's also studying business and finance at the University of Kuopio (Finland). |
- 奧斯卡‧普雅爾
- 鍾‧菲臘斯
![]() Jon Phillips ( is an Open Source developer, artist, writer, educator, lecturer, and curator with 13+ years of experience creating communities and computing culture. His involvements with mixing culture and software development have been presented internationally at Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts (2006), Sun Yat-Sen University (2006, Desktop Developers Conference (2005), SFMoMA (2004), University of Tokyo (2004), Korea Advanced Institute for Science and Technology (2004), UCLA Hammer Museum’s Digital Storytelling Conference, UC-Berkeley’s 040404 Conference (2004), USC Aim Festival IV (2003), and the ICA London (2002). He is a core Open Source developer on Inkscape ....Read More |
- 占姆斯‧科華斯達
- 大衛‧艾金信
David Akerson was born in Minnesota and moved to St. Petersburg, Florida at age eight. In 1984, he obtained a computer science degree from Furman University working on a computer the size of a small city. He saw no future in computers, and astutely went to law school instead. His roomate went on to work for Apple, Microsoft and and now owns North Carolina. David, meanwhile, slept through administrative and property law classes. As he made his way through law school, he went through an existential crisis in 1986. Seeking truth in 1987, freshly graduated, he ventured to Washington, D.C. to work on the Paul Simon for President Campaign in 1987. ......Read More |
- 占姆士‧希爾
James Hare (Messedrocker) is a student from the northeastern United States and an enthusiast of Wikipedia and the wiki model in general, and nothing more. His involvement on Wikipedia dates back to 2004, where he has seen editors come and go, major changes in article styling, and a general improvement of the entire site. This instilled in him the belief that over time, a community will learn to evolve itself. Yet as it grows, it will run into new problems; this is not surprising, as change can be difficult. Hare's presentation, How to Effectively Deal with Disputes, will recollect his experience and ideas about how to deal with a quarrelous mob. |
- Christoph Sauer
Christoph Sauer is a researcher at Heilbronn University's i3G Institute where he manages the Software R&D group, including the WikiWizard Project he founded in 2004 and the WikiCreole project. WikiWizard is an open source editor for JSPWiki which combines advanced markup highlighting and wizard dialogs to make wiki editing easier. The group's work also involves setup and maintenance of dozens of wiki installations, plugin development for JSPWiki, and teaching the wikiway to the public. He worked with Audi and Siemens Corporate Research in Princeton, NJ. Before that, he worked as a database programmer with a German ERP company for several years. |
- Chuck Smith
Chuck Smith is a researcher at the Heilbronn University's i3G Institute where he works for the Software R&D group. He coordinates the WikiCreole project and is an advisor and tester of the WikiWizard, a WYSIWiki editor for the JSPWiki. He is the founder of the Esperanto Wikipedia (the 15th largest Wikipedia with 83,000+ articles) and a board member of the World Esperanto Youth Organization. He also maintains the JSPWiki record at WikiMatrix.Org. He is the head developer of Amikumu, an Esperanto social networking site with users in 80+ countries. |
- Delphine Ménard
- Brian Mingus
Brian Mingus is an undergraduate in Psychology at the University of Colorado at Boulder. He has worked in the Computational Cognitive Neuroscience Lab since June of 2005 as an OSS developer and motor control researcher. He has been involved in Wikipedia since 2003, his first major project being the creation of Qwikly with Erik Zachte, a service that provided the entire contents of several projects in a format suitable for PDAs. |
- Kate
Kate is an editor (Aude) on English Wikipedia, who joined the project in 2004-2005. On Wikipedia, she devotes time to article writing, covering criminology, criminal justice, geography, history, architecture, and urban planning topics, and has created many maps for the project. She also has technical knowledge of MediaWiki, having installed and customized it for projects outside Wikipedia. Aude is a geographer, and GIS professional in Washington, D.C., working with crime mapping and GIS in law enforcement. She has ten years of experience with GIS, including open source GIS, mapping, and spatial analysis tools, as well as web development.
- David Beall
David Beall is Executive Director of San Francisco Revival Ministry and founder of hosted at As a social worker providing services for San Francisco's homeless, David saw the community need to have homeless resources in a wiki format on the internet, available for all to use and edit. Prior to his non-profit work David was a Senior Business Analyst in Quality Assurance working for a San Francisco IT company. |
- Sabahat Ashraf
Sabahat Ashraf is a writer and journalist who currently makes his living as a technical writer based in Silicon Valley, and blogs at Now a "strategic" contributor to the Wikipedia, he's the founder of WikiPakistan and the Genealogy Wiki on and also Born in Nigeria of Pakistani parents, he's lived a third of his life in Nigeria, Pakistan and the US (both coasts). |
- Luca De Alfaro
![]() Luca de Alfaro is an associate professor of Computer Engineering at the University of California, Santa Cruz, CA, USA. His interests include game theory, reputation systems, on-line interaction, social networks, and the Wikipedia. He is developing a reputation system for the Wikipedia. |
- Thomas Adler
Adler ( is a graduate student in the Computer Science Department of the University of California, Santa Cruz, CA, USA. His interests include game theory, software design, and the Wikipedia. |
- Chao Kuei Hung
Chao-Kuei Hung is a long time FLOSS advocate in Taiwan. He has given more than a hundred talks about free software, most of which are addressed to school teachers. The topics include technical ones such as mathematics and regular expressions, as well as non-technical ones such as culture and philosophy and of free software. He is also concerned with privacy and consumer right invasion by large ICT corporations. He is a member of Organization for Free Software in Education and Teaching. |
- Ka Kan Lo
Ka Kan Lo: A research student studying Master degree (Will graduate in 2007) at Chinese University of Hong Kong, working on Natural Language Processing, Artificial Intelligence, developing new methods in utilizing the Wikipedia and Web contents for machine intelligence tasks such as Machine Reading, Natural Language Processing, Automatic Question Answering and Information Extraction and Retrieval. Previously, he got his undergraduate degree in 2004, major in computer engineering at the same University. ....Read More |
- Ngon Pham Huu
Ngon loves programming and computer technology. When he was a student, he had taken participate in many programming contests like Imagine Cup 2004 World Finals in Sao Paulo, Brazil and ACM ICPC World Final 2006 in Texas, US. He got the Bachelor degree of Computer Science from Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology, Vietnam in 2007. Since 2005, he has spent much effort on open source software and search engine technology. |
- Dung Hong Trung
Dung has a great interest and many experiences in Semantic Web. His graduation thesis is a research in natural language processing field which suggests a natural way for users' querying on the web. After graduation, he decided to work for Department of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology (HCMUT) as a research assistant. At present, his work is concentrating on the Vietnamese Semantic Web project, a key project of HCMUT. |
- Cormac Lawler
Cormac Lawler is User:Cormaggio on many Wikimedia projects, but heavily focused on Wikiversity. He is a PhD student in the University of Manchester (School of Education), and the subject of his research is "developing Wikiversity through action research". Research blog at and wiki at |
- Jakob Voss
![]() Jakob Voss (or Jakob Voß with German glyph ß) discovered Wikipedia in August 2002 and is active especially in German Wikipedia since then. In 2004 he participated in founding Wikimedia Germany which and he was member of the board until 2007. In 2005 and 2007 he was member of programme committee of Wikimania. After study of computer science, library science, and philosophy at Humboldt University, Berlin until 2006 he now works at the library service center of the Common Library Network (GBV) in Göttingen. Jakob published a couple of papers and presentations in Wikipedia research, Social Software, and Web 2.0. Part of his research activity is the Wiki Research Bibliography and the weblog on Wiki research. His main Weblog is (in German). His nickname on some Wikis and IRC is nichtich. |
- Ida Suandi
Ida Susila Suandi is a doctoral researcher at the University of Warwick, UK, and is researching on the use of ICT in teaching language in Singapore and the UK. She was a Senior Teacher in a Singapore secondary school before embarking on her doctoral research in areas of language teaching and technology. She is very keen in sharing her ideas on ICT practices by teachers. |
- Sinn Cheng Lin
Sinn Cheng Lin is a Associate Professor in the Information and Library Science of the University of Tamkang,Taipei,Taiwan,R.O.C.,He is a founder of Taiwan-BaseballWiki. |
- Yu Shyen Lin
Yu Shyen Lin is a graduate student in the Information and Library Science of the University of Tamkang,Taipei,Taiwan,R.O.C.,She is a project assistant of Taiwan-BaseballWiki. |
- David Pendery
David Pendery is an American living in Taipei, Taiwan. He teaches and attends the doctoral English Literature program at National Chengchi University. David Pendery has lived in Taipei for six years, and was married to a Taiwanese woman in 2003. They live in Taipei, with no kids, just a cat, Loudmouth. He has proposed two events, both of which have been accepted by the conference. One is a theoretical paper for presentation, entitled "Bright Air, Brilliant Fire: The Mind of Wikipedia," and one is a panel discussion with Taiwanese college students about their use of Wikpedia, and it's value as an educational tool. |
- Yuri Astrakhan
Yuri Astrakhan (yurik) is a software developer living in New York, originally from St. Petersburg, Russia. He has been primarily working for the financial companies, while spending his free time developing MediaWiki API and various python bots. Numerous wiki pages in many languages were linked by yurikbot. Yuri's contributions include Wiki API @ and older query API @ |
- Kizu Naoko
Kizu Naoko (m:User:Aphaia) is a longtime Wikipedian who joined the project in early 2004, who is best known for her activity as a volunteer translation coordinator. She is a volunteer member of the Wikimedia Communications Committee, chairing its Translation Subcommittee, and has worked with translators on various Wikimedia projects. She is also a volunteer member of Wikimedia Board Election Committee since 2005. She is an aesthetician with an M.A. from Osaka University, and since 1994 she has been a Ph.D. candidate there. She was an adjunct lecturer of Western culture at Koyasan University from 1997 till 1999. Her academic interest is in ontological concepts of creativity and art as communal collaborations in aesthetics of German idealism, and its relationship to its antecedent German mysticism. |
- Lodewijk Gelauff
Lodewijk Gelauff is a bachelor student in chemistry and board member of the 'Vereniging Wikimedia Nederland', the local Dutch chapter. He also organized the local Wikimedia Conference in the Netherlands in september 2006, and is also member of the committee organizing the conference in 2007. He joined the nl.wikipedia in february 2005 and is since july that year sysop there. He attended Wikimania'06 in Boston with a BoF on the centralization of Wiki's, and became steward in december 2006. |
- Craig Spurrier
I have always been an avid reader of news. I however became disappointed in the bias of the mainstream media and low quality of the blogs, so I set out to find something better. I found Wikinews and have been actively involved with Wikinews for over two years. I quickly became a Wikinews Admin, soon after that a Wikinews Bureaucrat, and recently a steward for Wikimedia. |
- Masayuki Hatta
Masayuki Hatta ( has been involved with the FLOSS movement since ca. 1997. He is a veteran Debian developer, a GNU hacker, and translated most of key FLOSS documents into Japanese, including GNU FDL. He is a Ph.D. candidate majoring in Business Administration at the University of Tokyo. (Wiki username: mhatta) |
- Elizabeth Stark
Elizabeth Stark is a student at Harvard Law School and a leader in the Free Culture movement. |
- Michael Martone
I am a medical student and administrator on the English Wikipedia (user name is "Arcadian"). |
- 積丹尼
![]() 個性溫和的積丹尼。 Pleasant, cheerful, Dan Jacobson. |
- Adam Hyde
![]() Adam ( is a New Zealander based in Amsterdam. His career has been through many stages including managing radio stations in New Zealand, IT management at XS4ALL (.nl), tactical media (Radio21, HelpB92), and for the last 4 years he has been a professional new media artist. Adam is now solely focused on managing the development of FLOSS Manuals ( FLOSS Manuals aim is to document the world of free software. The documentation is created by the FLOSS Manuals community and is licensed under the GPL ( |
- Bruce Herr
Bruce Herr is a CS graduate from Indiana University working in Katy Börner's Information Visualization Lab and Cyberinfrastructure for Network Science Center as a visualization researcher and software developer. He enjoys making cool, extensible, usable, and maintainable software and visualizations. |
- Oscar Van Dillen
I am a professional composer and teacher at Codarts, the Rotterdam Conservatory. I was appointed as an elected community-member to the expanded Board of Trustees of the Wikimedia Foundation Inc. in December 2006. Having grown up from the projects, I became a sysop at nlwiki in May 2004, on meta in April 2005, and have been a steward since June 2005; I was founding and first president of Wikimedia Nederland, a member of the Special Projects Committee, and am currently also chair of the Audit Committee. For more information please see en:Oscar van Dillen. |
- Denny Vrandecic
Denny Vrandecic是位來自卡爾斯魯厄大學(TH)AIFB系的研究員。他在斯圖加特大學修畢電腦及哲學博士學位。現時他的主要研究領域在本體論工程、計算鑑定與推論,目的為使人們生活變得更容易。他是WWW工作坊EON2006有關本體論計算方面及CKC2007協作知識建立方面的組織者之一。他亦是Semantic MediaWiki的開發者之一;他也有著幾本德國最受歡迎角式扮演遊戲的書籍作者的著稱。其聯絡地址是:Inst. AIFB, Universität Karlsruhe (TH), 76128 Karlsruhe, Germany;,欲知更多他的資料可到他的用戶頁。 |
- Maarten de Rijke
Maarten de Rijke is full professor of Information Processing and Internet in the Informatics Institute at the University of Amsterdam. He holds MSc degrees in Philosophy and Mathematics, and a PhD in Theoretical Computer Science. He worked as a postdoc at CWI, before becoming a Warwick Research Fellow at the University of Warwick, UK. He joined the University of Amsterdam in 1998, and was appointed full professor in 2004.Read More.... |
- Seth Anthony
- Andrew George
- Mathias Schindler
- Xavier Giro
- Brianna Laugher
- Evan Prodromou
- Michael Dale
Michael Dale is a Research Associate at University of California Santa Cruz. Last year Michael worked on embed video for mediaWiki in Google summer of code 2006. Michael has been involved in open media adoption on the web, participating in the FOMS conference and pushing for open media in browsers. Metaivd is an archive of congressional proceedings which indexes house and senate footage via close captions and OCR on nameplates. Metavid makes all this data and audio/video files available in their entirety with entirety free and open source software. Funded by a sunlight foundation grant in the last few months Michael has been working on re-building metavid as an extension to the mediaWiki platform. |
- Trevor Pincock
- Laura Rassbach
- Ping Yeh
Ping was a experimental high energy physicist for 15 years before he joined Google in July 2007. During his physicist days, he worked in laboratories and centers around the world, including Fermilab near Chicago, U.S.A, CERN near Geneva, Switzerland, Kennedy Space Center near Orlando, U.S.A and KEK in Tsukuba, Japan. He is the co-founder and current organizer of the Taipei Open Source Software User Group. |
- May Ann Lim
- Harel Cain
I am 28 years old, working in the computer security and cryptography industry. I'm also studying towards a master's in mathematics. I am one of the bureaucrats on Hebrew language Wikipedia, where I've been active since September 2004. |
- Chia Wei Chiu
- Revo Soekatno
- Su Chu Hsu
- Jan-bart De Vreede
- Jack Herrick
![]() Jack Herrick started wikiHow in January 2005. wikiHow is a collaboration to build the world's largest, highest quality how to manual. With over 5 million visitors per month, wikiHow is one of the most widely read wikis after Wikipedia. Jack lives in Palo Alto, California, USA with his wife and 2 children. |
- Erik Moeller
- Kwang Tsao Shao
- Kun Chi Lai
- Haidong Pan
Haidong Pan, CEO of Education: Ph.D. in systems engineering from Boston University. |
- Anthony Mao
毛慶禎是男生, 有點老又有點不太老。 1976年畢業於天主教輔仁大學的圖書館學系(即今日的圖書資訊學系), 保衛國家兩年後, 先是在臺灣師範大學圖書館工作一陣子, 然後在外流浪一會, 到北愛爾蘭的女王大學圖書資訊學系讀了一年, 取得圖書館員證照。 1982年到中山大學圖書館短暫棲身, 再到臺灣大學圖書館學系唸了碩士, 1984年回到母校輔仁大學圖書資訊學系任教迄今。 |
- Thomas Tsai
Thomas, Tsai 2005 年畢業於輔仁大學圖書資訊學系,2006 年任職於國家高速網路與計算中心並開始從事自由軟體相關工作。 於 2006 年協助欣榮圖書館全面使用自由軟體,與工作伙伴共同設計並維護好用的電腦環境, 不管大人或小孩、館員或讀者都可以輕易上手。 並於同年6 月參加輔仁大學圖書資訊學系的圖書館服務隊協助安裝並教導使用KOHA。 |
- 游龍山
![]() (游龍山)於 2003 年及 2007 年取得天主教輔仁大學圖書資訊系的學士及碩士學位。目前,擔任 Koha 台灣計畫的工程師。喜歡研究自由/開放原始碼軟體(FLOSS) 以及圖書館技術。 進一步資訊參考: Koha 台灣計畫 履歷 |
- Jun Fa Wong
- Deni Symonds
- Alexis Rondeau
- Li Hua Wu
- Remi Bachelet
- Chun Yang Chen
Chun-Yang Chen (previously known as Kuan-Ta Chen) received his B.S. and M.S. in Computer Science from National Tsing Hua University in 1998 and 2000, respectively. He received his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from National Taiwan University in 2006. Since then he joined the Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica as an assistant research fellow. His research interests include multimedia networking, Internet measurement, network security, and multimedia networking. For more information, please visit |
- 劉明祥
- Chien Chin Chen
- Meng Chang Chen
- Shoichi Chou
- Yu Hsin Shih
- Ling Jyh Chen
Ling-Jyh Chen was born in Taipei, Taiwan. He received the B.Ed. degree in information and computer education from National Taiwan Normal University in 1998, and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in computer science from University of California at Los Angeles in 2002 and 2005 respectively. He joined the Institute of Information Science as assistant research fellow in 2005. His research interests are wireless personal area networks, network protocols, Internet measurements, and ubiquitous computing. For more information, please visit |
- Gerard Meijssen
![]() This page is part of the Proceedings of Wikimania 2007. (Index of presentations)
- Achal Prabhala
- Greg Stein
Greg Stein is an engineering manager at Google, working on their open source efforts. Prior to that, Greg was a director of engineering at CollabNet where he managed the Subversion project and releases of their CollabNet Enterprise Edition product. He also worked at Microsoft as a Development Manager, in the Commerce Server and Site Server groups. Greg was a co-founder and the Corporate Technologist of eShop, one of the first electronic commerce software companies, before its acquisition by Microsoft. In Greg's spare time, he works on many open source projects, such as Subversion, WebDAV, and Python. He also works on Apache projects and is a Director of the Apache Software Foundation. |
- Brian Behlendorf
Brian Behlendorf (Born March 30, 1973) is an technologist, computer programmer, and an important figure in the open-source software movement. He was a primary developer of the Apache Web server, the most popular web server software on the Internet, and a founding member of the Apache Group, which later became the Apache Software Foundation. Behlendorf served as President of the Foundation for three years. Behlendorf, raised in Southern California, became interested in the early development of the Internet while he was a student at the University of California, Berkeley in the early 1990s. One of his first projects was an electronic mailing list and online music resource, SFRaves, which a friend persuaded him to start in 1992. Behlendorf was an early participant and the chief technology guru for the Burning Man festival, and also founded Hyperreal, a large online resource devoted to electronic music and related subcultures. In 1993, Behlendorf, Jonathan Nelson, Matthew Nelson and Cliff Skolnick co-founded Organic, Inc., the first business dedicated to building commercial web sites. While developing the first online, for-profit, media project — the HotWired web site for Wired Magazine — in 1994, they realized that the most commonly used web server software at the time (developed at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) could not handle the user registration system that the company required. So, Behlendorf patched the open-source code to support HotWired's requirements. It turned out that Behlendorf wasn't the only one busy patching the NCSA code at the time, so he and Cliff Skolnick put together an electronic mailing list to coordinate the work of the other programmers. By the end of February 1995, eight core contributors to the project started Apache as a "fork" of the NCSA codebase. Working loosely together, they eventually rewrote the entire original program as the Apache HTTP Server. In 1999, the project incorporated as the Apache Software Foundation. Behlendorf is now the Chief Technology Officer at CollabNet, a company he co-founded with O'Reilly & Associates (now O'Reilly Media) in 1999 to develop tools for enabling collaborative, distributed software development. CollabNet is also the primary corporate sponsor of Subversion (software), an Open Source version control system. He continues to be involved with electronic music community events such as Chillits, and speaks often at open source conferences worldwide. |
- Ross Mayfield
Ross Mayfield is CEO & Co-founder of Socialtext, the first wiki company and leading provider of Enterprise 2.0 solutions. A noted blogger and industry expert, he is a serial and social entrepreneur. Mayfield has grown Socialtext to over 2,000 customers with Software-as-a-Service, Appliance and Open Source solutions. Mayfield partnered with Dan Bricklin, the creator of the first spreadsheet visiCalc, to co-develop and distribute SocialCalc. Socialtext is backed by Draper Fisher Jurvetson, SAP Ventures and Omidyar Network. Previously, Mayfield served as VP of Marketing for a Fujitsu spinout and CEO of an enterprise risk management software company. Mayfield co-founded and served as president of RateXchange (AMEX:RTX), the leading B2B commodity exchange for telecom. Mayfield served as the marketing director of the largest privately held telecommunications group in Eastern Europe and was the internal lead manager of their Initial Public Offering. He also founded an ISP, a web-design company, and has served on a number of Advisory Boards of high tech startups. Mayfield is a former advisor to the Office of the President of Estonia and began his career in the non-profit sector. He holds a B.A. in Political Science from the University of California at Los Angeles and completed the Management Development for Entrepreneurs (MDE) program of the Anderson School of Business. He resides in his hometown of Palo Alto with his wife and two children. |
- Kat Walsh
- Tian-Jian Jiang