Speakers/Wayne Mackintosh

Wayne Mackintosh is the Education Specialist for eLearning and ICT policy at the Commonwealth of Learning based in Vancouver (www.col.org), an international agency working in 53 countries of the Commonwealth promoting learning for development. Free content is a priority for their work. Wayne is an unashamed advocate of free software and had the privilege of leading a Government funded project called the eLearning XHTML editor (eXe) when still living in New Zealand - This is a small OSS project working on a simple authoring tool for web content for teachers. (http://exelearning.org )
Prior to joining COL, Wayne was the founding Director of the Centre for Flexible and Distance Learning at the University of Auckland and before working in New Zealand worked for the University of South Africa - one of the mega distance-teaching university's of the word.
COL has initiated a small wiki called WIkiEducator - (using Mediawiki software of course) and we are committed to helping educators in the developing world to participate as equal contributors in the development of free content.