Presenters/Jon Phillips/Biography

Jon Phillips ( is an Open Source developer, artist, writer, educator, lecturer, and curator with 13+ years of experience creating communities and computing culture. His involvements with mixing culture and software development have been presented internationally at Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts (2006), Sun Yat-Sen University (2006, Desktop Developers Conference (2005), SFMoMA (2004), University of Tokyo (2004), Korea Advanced Institute for Science and Technology (2004), UCLA Hammer Museum’s Digital Storytelling Conference, UC-Berkeley’s 040404 Conference (2004), USC Aim Festival IV (2003), and the ICA London (2002). He is a core Open Source developer on Inkscape (, a scalable vector graphics editor, the Open Clip Art Library (, and is writing/producing a book, “CVS: Concurrency, Versioning and Systems.” Currently, he is visiting faculty at the San Francisco Art Institute ( in the Design+Technology department and is community developer for the Creative Commons (
Phillips completed his MFA in June of 2004 at the University of California, San Diego, where he studied with Lev Manovich ( and additionally with Sheldon Brown, Geof Bowker, Jack Greenstein and Joseph Goguen. He completed a BFA, New Media, at the Kansas City Art Institute where he studied with Patrick Clancy ( He is affiliated with San Francisco Art Institute, Overlap (, ( and various free and open communities.