User:Cobrachen/For Volumteers

Wikimania 2007 Taipei :: a Globe in Accord

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Both previous Wikimania conferences succeeded through the efforts of our many conference volunteers. There were positions open for both local and non-local volunteers. We encourage every Wikimania 2007 conference attendee to consider helping make this year's community even more successful.

Please join us by visiting here.

File:Crystal Clear app advancedsettings.png Translation

The translation plan has been announced in Wikimania:Translation/Plan, please leave your opinions in Wikimania_talk:Translation/Plan for further discussions.

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File:Crystal Clear app advancedsettings.png Planning and Drafts

Join us to plan every eevnts for 2007 conference, including Main programs, Hacking days,Social events and more.

Planning | Drafts

File:Crystal Clear app advancedsettings.png Wikireader

This project is for Wikimania 2007 to release a Wikireader about the host city - Taipei. The major editors of this Wikireader are students of National Taiwan University Computer Science and Information Engineering Department. Editors will collect necessary articles to introduce Taipei (both Chinese and English, and including translation works). English Wikipedians are welcome to help improving these articles. The plans of this WikiReader are in both English version and Chinese version of Wikipedia.

For more information, please see zh:Wikipedia:維基讀本/Wikimania 2007讀本

File:Crystal Clear app advancedsettings.png Bulletin

Published by the Wikimania 2007 Organization Team, Team Bulletin provides the latest news of the Team's organizing work to everyone who is interested in Wikimania; it also gives the Team chances to announce calls for help/participation, ......Read more

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The weather in Taipei are really bad recent days. Almost every team members here catches cold by turns. It is also difficult for us to meet in the cold rainy weather. There are 134 days to Wikimania. Hope everyone healthy.

--Theodoranian 16:01, 20 March 2007 (UTC)

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File:Crystal Clear app advancedsettings.png Seminars

In order to promote Wikimania 2007 around Taiwan and recurit volunteers, there are a serious of seminar. Please take the cahnce to join them and find out how you can help us.