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Wikimania 2007 Taipei :: a Globe in Accord

This is a list of pages being drafted or to be drafted before their formal release.


  • When a page is being drafted:
    • Add the {{preparing}} template at the top of the draft page
  • When the page is ready for release and translations:

See also:

  • Information: overview and list of information pages. (資訊:總覽及資訊頁面清單)
  • Visas: air tickets and airlines, airport information, visa information (國際旅行及簽證資訊:機票、航空公司、簽證及入境證資訊)
  • Local transportation: from airport to venue and getting around in Taipei and Taiwan. taxi, MRT, bus, etc. (機場至會場交通、台北市內及台灣交通。計程車、捷運、公車等。)
  • Local information: all other things one need to know before going to Taiwan: language information, currencies, units, climate, voltage and plug type, any special rules for customs/immigration, other special laws/regulations/customs, etc. (本地資訊:來台灣之前需要了解的事項:語言資訊、貨幣、計量單位、氣候、電壓及插座類型、海關及邊境的特別規則、其他特別法規或習俗等)
  • Venue: venue description, map, floor plan, etc. (會場:會場描述、地圖、建築圖等)
  • Lodging: everything about living here. (住宿)
  • Attractions: sightseeing and attractions in Taipei, Taiwan, and maybe also East Asia.
  • About Taipei and About Taiwan
  • Chinese for travelers
  • Common phrases
  • Events (各項活動概述及頁面清單)
  • Party (主派對)
  • Tours (觀光導覽)
  • Stickers (貼紙): Stickers for blogs, babels, etc.