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Wikimania 2007 Taipei :: a Globe in Accord

This page is part of the Proceedings of Wikimania 2007 (Index of presentations)

Meritocracy, vandalism and similarities with Open Source development

Author Enric Senabre Hidalgo (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya)
Track Wikimedia Community
License GNU Free Documentation License (details)
About the author
Enric Senabre
Enric Senabre

Enric (user:esenabre) is a PhD candidate at the Open University of Catalonia, preparing an online dissertation about the initial growth of Wikipedia and about similar ways of collaborating and organizing between open source communities and wikipedians.

The aim of the presentation would be to discuss about Wikipedia as an example of technological appropriation whose dynamics of interaction among participants inherits the meritocratic system of relations among hackers in the developing of open source projects.

This influence would be not only be present in collaborative structures, identity and users' interaction, but it also concerns the way in which the community of wikipedians reacts and actuates in front of vandalism. I would like to discuss these hypotheses with other wikipedians, analyzing concrete examples extracted from Wikipedia and from theoretical literature on the project. The intention is to raise questions about vandalism and the challenges and opportunities for community cohesion it represents. The idea is to start the workshop based in the conclusions of an online paper I presented recently at the third online Congress of the Observatory for CyberSociety (in Spanish), and on the discussions that took place then with other participants of the Spanish Wikipedia.

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