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Wikimania 2007 Taipei :: a Globe in Accord

These are the templates that need translation to create the main page in a new language. In addition you need to create MediaWiki/code whose contents should simply be

{{Main page|code}}

(where code is the appropriate language code).

The table lists all languages that have been started. Please add new languages to Project:Main page templates/page and they will automatically be added to the table below.

int The introduction page en ar br ca de fa fr id it ja ko sv no vi yue zh-hans zh-hant
intro The text of the main introduction (first box). en ar br ca de fa fr id it ja ko sv no vi yue zh-hans zh-hant
sitelink1 Text for the first link in the top box, under the intro. en ar br ca de fa fr id it ja ko sv no vi yue zh-hans zh-hant
sitelink2 Text for the second link in the top box, under the intro. en ar br ca de fa fr id it ja ko sv no vi yue zh-hans zh-hant
sitelink3 Text for the third link in the top box, under the intro. en ar br ca de fa fr id it ja ko sv no vi yue zh-hans zh-hant
sitelink4 Text for the fourth link in the top box, under the intro. en ar br ca de fa fr id it ja ko sv no vi yue zh-hans zh-hant
users title Heading for the Users box en ar br ca de fa fr id it ja ko sv no vi yue zh-hans zh-hant
users text Content of the Users box (bulleted list of links) en ar br ca de fa fr id it ja ko sv no vi yue zh-hans zh-hant
admins title Heading for the Sysadmins box en ar br ca de fa fr id it ja ko sv no vi yue zh-hans zh-hant
admins text Content of the Sysadmins box (bulleted list of links) en ar br ca de fa fr id it ja ko sv no vi yue zh-hans zh-hant
devs title Heading for the Devs box en ar br ca de fa fr id it ja ko sv no vi yue zh-hans zh-hant
devs text Content of the Devs box (bulleted list of links) en ar br ca de fa fr id it ja ko sv no vi yue zh-hans zh-hant
news title Heading for the news box en ar br ca de fa fr id it ja ko sv no vi yue zh-hans zh-hant
old news link Text for the link to 'old news' en ar br ca de fa fr id it ja ko sv no vi yue zh-hans zh-hant
current versions Text for the heading of the 'current versions' box en ar br ca de fa fr id it ja ko sv no vi yue zh-hans zh-hant
download Translation of the word 'Download' en ar br ca de fa fr id it ja ko sv no vi yue zh-hans zh-hant

In addition, you may want to translate Template:Wikimania News, however please only do this if you plan to keep it up to date - it is better to have up-to-date news in English, than old news in the correct language.