
Wikimania 2007 Taipei :: a Globe in Accord

I am involved in the wiki project AboutUs and WikiIndex primarily. MeatballWiki and CommunityWiki are places that I love.

Ideas that I love are also are:


10,000 - users a day

who sticks around?

66% made zero edits

5% had more than ted edits

1379 images deleted

40% deleted - but some went to commons

user are doing a lot of work uploading images to have them disapear

Wikipedia = Social networking

1468 had talk pages, 14% of 10000

not here to build an encyclopedia

of those, 14% dleetion of thier page, not notable, etc

36% warning on vandalism,

19% image warnding being deleted

20% received a welcome message

7% created thier own talk page

Wikiopedia = lifeline?

Community Dynamics"

all the low hanging fruit have been pickes, no rewarding articles being none, meta organizing, formatting, sorting categories, not adding new content, just shoving stuff around

backlogs, people aren't doing enough work. - well there are artificial logs

is Experiementing Vandalism!!!??? KEY!!!!!!

Templates are like answering maching messages. are we an answering service? What makes it warning templates and such officious?

Templates are good for notification - not good for socialization, should be person to person

are we so busy, collectively, we can't be human?

Don't touch anything in the store, go to the sandbox

Just scolding people, not trying to help them be productive

What are the goald os wikipedia:

  • write an encyclopedia
  • encourage the participation of new users?
  • protecting the wiki from new users?
  • create a community? pr

( preventing a community from developing because it distraccts from writhing the encylcipedia

I* dsopw e v aluse correct formatting, or ne w conent how do we reward behavior for good content

Anyone can edit

no technilogical restirction but a social barrier

Wiki ethos= radical openenes, radical trust

if alomst everon new is discrouged from editing are you really buil.ding a wiki, or using a wiki to build a website?

Laughers; Law

If you are going to act if asi fi X is not allwoend, you amy aas well stop letting peiopl do X ( introduce technoologi al restriction+_

Softewared donesn make people feel disheartnened and leav a commuinigy in disgust, peole do


Chang the community attitiourd intruduce simple valoues licensing test that peole must nominally pass before they are tetchnologica lalowe dot edit or up load

OP stap calling english wikipedi a w iki

Develloop values aims goal statement re- evaluate all guildlines[ooicises/templtes etc in lin with this statement have all this vana fighting tools, need a tool to find great content adders
