This page is part of the Proceedings of Wikimania 2007 (Index of presentations)
博物館人類文化遺產的保留 Compilation of Ethnographic Objects from Museums Reserves | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Author | Raoul Weiler | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Track | Free Content | ||||||||||||||||||||||
License | ![]() | ||||||||||||||||||||||
About the author | |||||||||||||||||||||||
I am located in Belgium in Antwerp. During the last years my activities focus primarily on sustainability issues as a planetary challenge, the use of low-cost ICT in schools and communities as a contribution to the eradication of illiteracy and bridging the digital gap, and facilitating the access of all to the oncoming worldwide information and knowledge societies, as well as on sustainable economy questions. At present, I chair and founded the Brussels-EU Chapter of the Club of Rome (CoR-EU) and am a member of the Executive Committee of the International Club of Rome (CoR). I am a Fellow of the World Academy of Art and Science (WAAS), member of Scientific Advisory Board of European Papers in the New Welfare, a member of the Board of Greenfacts and the president of the new created DigitalWorld. I participated as a NGO participant at the World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg (WSSD, 2002) and the World Summit on the Information Society in Geneva and Tunis (WSIS, 2003 & 2005) as well as at the World Social Forum in Porte Alegre (WSF, 2005). My academic background is engineering with a degree of engineering and Ph. D. in chemistry both at the University of Leuven (KUL), Belgium and spent several years as Post-doc in the US and France. My industrial career started in a chemical multinational in the Department of Applied Physics and ended, until retirement (1996), as manager of the ICT department. I have held teaching positions at different universities, in particular at the University of Leuven in the Faculty of Bio-engineering Sciences (KUL), and gave lectures about the relationship between technology and society, especially about the problem of sustainability and ethics. I am the co-author and editor of four books on sustainability, global change and philosophy and ethics of technology. Recent publications: Ethic Aspects of the Convention on Climate Change (2005) and the Proceedings of the joint World Conference of the Club of Rome and UNESCO on ICTs for Capacity-Building: Critical Success Factors (2005). Wikipedia article | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Abstract | |||||||||||||||||||||||
許多這些珍貴的文物讓其收藏的博物館光芒耀眼。據悉,有九成的物品都沒有被展示,是不對大眾開放的。其實,這些不見天日的寶藏都違背了豐富人類文化傳承的使命。大部份的資訊來源都還在,都在印刷精美的各種導覽手冊上出現,不管是長駐展覽或是短期展示。目前的提議在於有系統地建立人類資產文物的檔庫。那到底要將此置建於何處呢?目前有激烈的爭執,又加上時間的緊迫,畢竟文物不等人。現在我們希望能突破地理上的限制與歷史的敏感問題,建立一個「虛擬」的博物館以收集散佈各地的文物。收藏品的時代暫估19與20世紀,但隨時可商議擴大。 原則上,維基百科是最理想的選擇來執行此計畫。的確,文化傳承完全附和人類共有與維基百科的百科編輯初衷。 應有關於物件的簡便與構造描述,且越簡潔越好:數量(one or max)、兩張照片(目錄型式)、尺寸、使用素材、年代、出土位置與文化起源。有些博物管要求轉換資料庫的標準化。在搜集資料圖片上有幾項可能的步驟:1.藉志工協助;這或許有些困難,這些管理機構只準專家進入取得。2.直接讓博物館當局加入計畫,與維基團隊和其他專家一起合作。但很顯然地,大型的博物館已經在做了,但各走各的、互不相理。可能要從小型的博物館開始 3.與博物館、當地的文化團體、非政府組織等和維基團隊合作。 計畫支持與基金。由於參與的博物館與物件數量龐大,這充滿野心的計畫需要來自不同當局的支援與金援,不論從或財務機構。首先要跟國際機構如聯合國科教文組織和國際博物館協會聯合國(ICOM - International Council of Museums)(兩個剛好都在巴黎),還要與有興趣的小型博物館洽談 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
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