這是2007年國際維基媒體年會預定議程的一部分 (預定議程目錄)
馬來文維基:馬來西亞版與印度尼西亞版所面臨的處境 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
作者 | Revo Soekatno (荷蘭萊頓大學(Leiden University, The Netherlands)博士生) | ||||||||||||||||||||||
分類 | 維基媒體社群 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
版權 | GNU自由文檔許可證 (詳情) | ||||||||||||||||||||||
有關 作者 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Revo Arka Giri Soekatno has been a member of the Wikipedia community since the end of 2003. He is the first sysop of the Indonesian language Wikipedia and he is also one of the earliest contributors on this Wikipedia edition. Furthermore he set up the Javanese language Wikipedia.
He earned an MA degree in Indonesian language and literature from the University of Leiden in 1999. His MA thesis is about "Malay language letters in Javanese script". Currently he is finishing his PhD thesis on Old Javanese literature at the University of Leiden, the Netherlands. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
摘要 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
維基百科及其他維基基金會的計畫都是以語言而非國家、地區來區分的。然而,目前卻有些計畫似乎是以國別而非語言來區分的。在此,我想特別提出討論的是馬來西亞及印尼維基兩個現存的個體而非他們並合併的版本。儘管馬來西亞馬來文及印尼馬來文是可互通的(詳見 ),我慎重地從語言學的觀點使用「馬來西亞文」而非「馬來文」這個名詞因在 上使用的其實是馬來西亞人版本的馬來文。 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
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