
這是2007年國際維基媒體年會預定議程的一部分 (預定議程目錄)
更開放廣博的Wiki引擎:如何將其他概念嵌進 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
作者 | Ping Yeh (台北開放原始碼軟體使用者社群) | ||||||||||||||||||||||
分類 | 技術建構 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
版權 | ![]() | ||||||||||||||||||||||
有關 作者 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Ping was a experimental high energy physicist for 15 years before he joined Google in July 2007. During his physicist days, he worked in laboratories and centers around the world, including Fermilab near Chicago, U.S.A, CERN near Geneva, Switzerland, Kennedy Space Center near Orlando, U.S.A and KEK in Tsukuba, Japan. He is the co-founder and current organizer of the Taipei Open Source Software User Group. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
摘要 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
網站上目前有許多的wiki網站,其中維基百科是最知名也最熱門的。wiki技術的網站不僅革新了非HTML的標記語言、超連結、修正的管制、共同編輯與輕易的入站管制。然而,多數的wiki網站都過於龐大了,使得瑣碎而複雜的連結讓其與別的網站或非網站的應用變得十分困難。受到trac計畫的感動[1],本次作者亦開創的一個簡化版的wiki系統讓不同種的應用皆能順利進行。我們將會簡單地描述此計畫的進行。 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
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