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Wikimania 2007 Taipei :: a Globe in Accord

這是2007年國際維基媒體年會預定議程的一部分 (預定議程目錄)


作者 James Hare
分類 維基媒體社群
版權 GNU自由文檔許可證 (詳情)
有關 作者

James Hare (Messedrocker)是一名來自美國東北部的學生,也是一位維基百科熱誠參與份子、總體來說是個維基內的典範,「僅此而已」。他從2004年開始加入維基百科,他與編輯者也曾來來往往打過交道,也精於在條目裡修改其設計、風格,以至於整個網站的整體維護。這慢慢地灌輸了他的就是說,隨著時間的過去,一個社群,將會使其本身發展下去;然而在它成長的同時,問題將不斷湧現;這將不令人驚訝,因為變革總可以是困難的。Hare's presentation, How to Effectively Deal with Disputes, will recollect his experience and ideas about how to deal with a quarrelous mob.


「有效解決衝突」將會提供如何在維基百科上解決衝突的基本技巧,像是基礎地進行溝通的手法到進階地要如何讓事件安然落幕。演講者詹姆士海爾(James Hare)將會分享自己過去處理爭執的經驗。臺下聽眾也將會有機會分享自己的經驗。


這篇演講的目的是要告訴管理員們及其他的用戶(特別是有遠見的那群)解決政治性議題或其他爭議的重要性,靠著小小的藝術。 演講者詹姆士─維基百科管理員─將會討論處理維基百科上激烈議題的方法,這些爭辯包含了像是不適當的討論言論或頁面上程序的問題等。此外,不聽勸導或其他情形的爭辯者的解決方法也將在演講上一並提供。



How to Effectively Deal with Disputes will provide basic groundwork with dealing with disputants on Wikipedia, such as the basic communication boards, as well as more intricate details on how to make dispute resolution work. Presenter James Hare will share past experiences with dispute resolution and the audience will get the opportunity to share theirs.

All too often, many content issues on Wikipedia arise from even the simplest issues. If improperly handled, these disputes become edit wars, and these edit wars become Arbitration Committee sanctions. It is imperative that the editing environment of Wikipedia is friendly, warm and welcoming, as this is attractive not only to existing users, but newcomers as well. If a tense situation is handled not only appropriately but well, hostile situations will fade into the past and editors will be able to move on without further grievance.

The purpose of this presentation is to inform administrators and other users (especially prospective administrators) of the importance of resolving disputes with very little drama and wiki-political fallout. Presenter James Hare, Wikipedia administrator, will discuss the proper methods of dealing with active disputes on Wikipedia, including the appropriate discussion and procedural pages. Additionally, advice of dealing with disputants, unruly or otherwise, will be shared.

After the basic groundwork has been covered, there will be a greater emphasis on the subtle details that make up effective dispute resolution. Information to be shared includes how to approach tense situations with a calm countenance and address them with the intent of pleasing everyone, as well as how to “think outside the box” when considering resolutions. Important things to avoid, such as aggravating disputants or imposing improper blocks, will be shared.

As an experienced informal mediator, Hare will share prior experiences with disputes resolution. Following the presentation, the audience will be able to share prior experience with disputes as well as how they dealt with it. By the end of the session, it is intended that the audience will walk away with a better idea of how to handle disputes effectively, efficiently, and with the most amount of success possible. If this makes the atmosphere of Wikipedia friendlier, then it will have been worth the while.







