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Wikimania 2007 Taipei :: a Globe in Accord

這是2007年國際維基媒體年會預定議程的一部分 (預定議程目錄)


作者 James Forrester (moderator), Ward Cunningham (Eclipse Foundation), Maarten de Rijke (University of Amsterdam), Tian-Jian Jiang (?)
分類 技術建構
版權 GNU自由文檔許可證 (詳情)
有關 作者
James Forrester
James Forrester

James Forrester is currently serves as the Company Secretary of Wikimedia UK and an Arbitrator for the English Wikipedia. He was as the Chief Research Officer of the Wikimedia Foundation from 2006–2007. He has been involved in Wikimedia projects, primarily the English Wikipedia, since 2002.

Ward Cunningham
Ward Cunningham
Ward Cunningham is the Chief Technology Officer of AboutUs.org, a growth company hosting the communities formed by organizations and their constituents. Ward co-founded the consultancy, Cunningham & Cunningham, Inc., has served as a Director of the Eclipse Foundation, an Architect in Microsoft's Patterns & Practices Group, the Director of R&D at Wyatt Software and as Principle Engineer in the Tektronix Computer Research Laboratory. Ward is well known for his contributions to the developing practice of object-oriented programming, the variation called Extreme Programming, and the communities supported by his WikiWikiWeb. Ward hosts the AgileManifesto.org. He is a founder of the Hillside Group and there created the Pattern Languages of Programs conferences which continue to be held all over the word. Wikipedia article
Maarten de Rijke is full professor of Information Processing and Internet in the Informatics Institute at the University of Amsterdam. He holds MSc degrees in Philosophy and Mathematics, and a PhD in Theoretical Computer Science. He worked as a postdoc at CWI, before becoming a Warwick Research Fellow at the University of Warwick, UK. He joined the University of Amsterdam in 1998, and was appointed full professor in 2004.

He leads the Information and Language Processing Systems group. While relatively young, this group has rapidly established itself as one of the leading academic research groups in information retrieval in Europe. His current focus is on intelligent web information access, with projects on vertical search engines, question answering, weakly or semi-structured documents, and multilingual information.

He currently holds one of the prestigious Pionier grants, has published over 250 papers, has published or edited over a dozen books, is editor for various journals and book series, and coordinates the evaluation efforts of the Crosslingual Web Track at CLEF and of the Dutch Question Answering task within CLEF.
Presenters/Tian-Jian Jiang/Biography
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