There are a lot of questions people are being asked about the development of wikipedia in China. When will the blocking be ended in China? What kind of people are the Chinese Internet users? Do they love blogging and contribute on wikipedia? Can wikipedia really succeed in China if there's no blocking? As an Internet veteran and well-known wiki expert in the booming Chinese web 2.0 market, the speaker will explore: (1) The current status (development and influence) of wikipedia in China and (2) big picture of wiki sites in China, based on his first-hand data, material and on-the-ground experience. By analyzing the local government regulations (tight), Chinese Internet users demographics (young, less well-educated) and "entertainment-oriented" behavior, the speaker points out the major sucess factors for an Internet community website, especially for international brands like wikipedia, google, yahoo and myspace. In the end, the speaker concludes with potential alternatives for making wikipedia another miracle in the Chinese community, and leading the curve of wiki industry in China.