Local information 9: Time
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Time zone
Taipei and Taiwan are located in the UTC+8 time zone. Daylight saving time or summer time is not observed.
To compare Taipei time against other time zones, see the World Clock Meeting Planner. (This link shows Taipei, Los Angeles, New York, and London time. Use the "change cities" link at the top to generate a new table.)
Sunrise and sunset times
To know sunrise and sunset time during conference, consult sunrise and sunset for 2007: Location: Taipei.
Business hours
- Government: 8:30am-12:30am, and 1:30pm~5:30pm on weekdays. All closed on weekends.
- Post office: 8am-5pm on weekdays. Most offices are either closed or provide limited services on weekends.
- Banks: Most closed at 3pm. However, China Trust and Cosmos Bank extend their business hours to 7pm.
- Other Businesses: Usually 8:30/09:00am-17:30
- Stores: 10:00/11:00am -21:00/ 22:00pm Open almost everyday except for the Chinese Lunar New Year.
- Department stores: 11am-9:30pm
- Convenience stores: 24 hours (except for some stores in MRT and TRA stations); Taiwan has the world's highest density of convenience stores.
- Drug stores: Varies; Most are about 8am-11pm
- Grocery stores: Varies; Wellcome Supermarket has a few 24-hour stores.
Most museums are closed on Monday; however, the National Palace museum is open every day of the year.
Public holidays
No public holiday will fall during the Wikimania event.