Setting Up Wifi Network in your room

Come to room 314 and go to the table with wifi routers to sign in. Wikimania Volunteers will give you your router. You only need to plug it in. The router is a free Fon box that has already been preregistered, so you should automatically find networks called Wikimaniaxxxx and FON_Wikimaniaxxxx (where xxxx is your room number). Use the "private" network, without the FON_.
A Vdsl D-link modem is already in your room and you plug the router to the modem using a Ethernet cord that is included in your router.
There is one router per room, if the people you are staying with already has a router you do not need to pick one up.
After Wikimania is over you must return it to the same place you retrieved it. So please take care of the equipment. If you have any questions about the equipment or the equipment doesn't work please tell Volunteer.