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Wikimania 2007 Taipei :: a Globe in Accord
This page is currently being translated.
  • This page is a translation from Visas
  • This translation is based on this version of the page
  • Arca is the main translator working on this page
  • The translation progress is Beginning.
  • The translation has to be over on the March 15, 2007

For other travel information, see Travel.

¿Quién necesita una Visa para entrar a la República de China(Taiwán)?

Si no eres residente de la República de China (ROC), puede que necesites una visa para ingresar la ROC. Asegúrate de que no se venza antes de que la utilices para solicitar tu admisión en el aeropuerto.

If you are not a resident of the Republic of China (ROC), you may need a visa to enter or must be eligible for the visa-waiver program. If you already have a visa and need to enter the ROC, make sure it will not expire before you use it to apply for admission (entry) at the port.

Programa de Exención

Los ciudadanos de los siguiente 30 países no necesitan visa para ingresar la ROC por turismo o estadía de negocios por un período de 30 días o menos:

Australia Islandia Los Países Bajos
Austria Irlanda Nueva Zelanda
Bélgica Italia Noruega
Canadá Japón Portugal
Costa Rica República de Corea Singapur
Dinamarca Lichtenstein España
Finlandia Luxemburgo Suecia
Francia Malasia Switzerland
Alemania Malta Reino Unido
Grecia Mónaco Estados Unidos de América

Otras Condiciones:

  • La duración de 30 días empieza desde el día siguiente de llegada y no se puede extender.
  • The 30 day duration starts from next day of arrival and it's not extensible.
  • Tu pasaporte no puede vencer en un máximo de seis meses. Sin embargo, los ciudadanos Japoneses podrán ingresar si sus pasaportes vencen en un máximo de tres meses.
  • Your passport must not expire within six months. However, for Japanese citizens they may enter if their passports do not expire within three months.
  • Debes mostrar un pasaje confirmado de retorno o un pasaje y visa para otro país.
  • You must show a confirmed return ticket or a ticket and visa to another country.
  • No puedes tener antecedentes criminales.
  • You must not have a criminal record.

Más Información

Conseguir visa

Si necesitas visa para entrar a Taiwan, puedes considerar una de las siguientes:

If you need a visa to enter Taiwan, you could consider one of the following visas:

Visa de Desembaruqe

Los ciudadanos de República Checa, República Eslovaca, Hungría y Polonia pueden solicitar una Visa de Desembarque siempre y cuando su pasaporte sea válido por un mínimo de seis meses. Los ciudadanos estadounidenses pueden también solicitar una Visa de Desembarque si su pasaporte vence dentro de seis meses.

Citizens of the Czech Republic, Slovak Republic, Hungary, and Poland may apply for a landing visa provided that their passport is valid for at least six months. US citizens may also apply for a landing visa if their passport expires within six months.


Después de ingresar a la ROC por vía aérea, por favor sigue las siguientes indicaciones para solicitar una visa:

After you enter the ROC via airline, please following the methods below to apply for the visa:
  • Si ingresas a la ROC vía El Aeropuerto Internacional de Taiwan Taoyuan: por favor contáctate con la Oficina de Visas del Consejo de Asuntos Consulares en el aeropuerto.
  • If you enter the ROC via Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport: please contact the Visa Office of the Consular Affair Bureau in the airport.
  • Si ingresas a la ROC vía El Aeropuerto Internacional de Kauhsiung: necesitas solicitar un "permiso de entrada temporal" en la Estación Policial de Aviación de Kauhsiung en el aeropuerto o luego cambiar tu permiso por una visa en el Consejo de Asuntos Consulares o su oficina en Kaohsiung en un período de tres días. Si no cambia su permiso por una visa a tiempo serás sujeto a una penalización administrativa por quedarse más tiempo del permitido.
  • If you enter the ROC via Kauhsiung International Airport: you need to apply for a "temporary entry permit" at the Kaohsiung Aviation Police Station in the airport and then change the permit to a visa at the Consular Affair Bureau or its Kaohsiung Office within three days. If you didnot change the permit to a visa on time then you will be subjected to administrative penalty for overstaying.

Requisitos Adicionales

  • Solicitud con 2 fotos. Puedes descargar la solicitud desde los siguientes enlaces:
  • Application with 2 photos. You can download the application form in the following links:
  • US$36 (NT$1,200) visa fee plus US$24 (NT$800) handling; US$100 (NT$3,600) for US applicants.

A los ciudadanos de países con acuerdos recíprocos se les otorgará visas gratis.

Citizens of countries with reciprocal agreements shall be issued visas gratis.
  • Tu pasaporte no puede expirar en un mínimo de 6 meses. Sin embargo, los ciudanos japoneses pueden ingresar si sus pasaportes no expiran en un mínimo de tres meses.
  • Your passport must not expire within six months. However, for Japanese citizens they may enter if their passports do not expire within three months.
  • Debes mostrar un pasaje confirmado de retorno o una visa y pasaje para otro país.
  • You must show a confirmed return ticket or a ticket and visa to another country.
  • No debes tener antecedentes criminales.
  • You must not have a criminal record.

Más Información

  • La duración de 30 días empieza desde el día siguiente al día de llegada y no se puede extender.
  • The 30 day duration starts from next day of arrival and it's not extensible.

Visitor’s visa

Una visa de 60 días con una extensión de emergencia de hasta 6 meses puede ser solicitada en cualquiera de los consulatos, embajadas y oficinas representantivas de la ROC; y el proceso de solicitud de visa puede demorar de 5 a 45 días o más. Puedes revisar una lista aquí para encontrar el representante más cercano de la ROC(Taiwan). Para muchos países que no están formalmente reconocidos por la ROC, la oficina representativa probablemente sería la Taipei Officina Económica y Cultural Representativa. Si no puedes encontrar ninguna oficina representativa cerca, contáctate con el equipo de Wikimania Mr. Wang, Chong-Ming en mingwangx arroba gmail punto com mingwangx@gmail.com]

A sixty-day visa with an emergency extension of up to six months may be applied at any of the ROC’s consulates, embassies, and de-facto representative offices; and the visa applying process might take from 5 to 45 days or longer. You could check a list here to know the nearest representative offices of the ROC (Taiwan). For many countries who do not formally recognize the ROC, the de-facto representative office would probably be the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office. If you cannot find any representative office nearby you, contact the Wikimania stuff Mr. Wang, Chong-Ming at mingwangx at gmail dot com mingwangx@gmail.com] for help.

Por favor nótese que no debes solicitar visa en ninguna de las embajadas u oficinas representativas de la Repúplica Popular China porque no se puede usar la visa de RPC para entrar a la RDC(Taiwan). Y gente de algunos países que deseen la visa de turismo puede que necesiten documentos especiales y/o auspiciadores.

Please note that you should not apply the visa at any embassies or representative offices of the People's Republic of China because you may not use the PRC visa to enter the ROC (Taiwan). And people from some countries to apply for the visitor's visa might need some special documents and/or sponsors.

Para mayor información, puedes revisar los siguientes enlaces:

For more information, you may check the following links:

Visitantes de la RPC, Hong Kong y Macao

Visitantes de la República Popular de China, Hong Kong y Macao necesitarán un documento especial de viaje además de su pasaporte. Aunque sus pasaportes serán escaneados, sus records de ingreso y salida se sellarán solamente en el documento especial. Para más información, véase Visas para gente de China Continental, Hong Kong y Macao (en Chino).

Guidelines for painless visa processing

  • Ask us for a letter of invitation during registration (it's a checkbox on the form). We have informed the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of China (Taiwan) and ask for providing more convenience to visa applicants who will join Wikimania 2007.
  • Start applying for a visa early, ideally 4+ months in advance. The basic visa process will not take this long, but you will want time to resubmit the application if necessary, and to buy your tickets after the visa has been granted.
  • Prepare for your visa interview/application. You should have:
    1. Your entire travel itinerary, from when you leave your country to when you return.
      Note that your travel plans depend upon early approval of the visa application.
    2. Your invitation, and printed information about the conference.
      If you are getting financial support to attend the conference, make sure you have printed documentation of this as well.
    3. Proof of association with Wikimania (information about you as a researcher, wiki-developer, Wikipedian, etc.)
    4. Evidence that you will return home -- that is, of "binding or sufficient" ties to your home country (normally your country of residence). Useful examples include:
      • evidence of family ties in your home country.
      • evidence of property ownership.
      • evidence/statements of bank accounts.
      • an employment contract or letter from an employer demonstrating you have employment beyond the end of your trip.
      • evidence of attending school, or a letter from a school official demonstrating you will be a student there beyond the end of your trip.

Para ayuda con Visas

A letter of invitation alone does not guarantee you will be issued a visa. If you have followed the above steps, and your visa application is rejected, please let us know.

If you cannot afford the cost of visas or related fees, let us know. Financial assistance may be available.

Información adicional

Puertos de entrada

Puede entrar a Taiwan via los siguientes aeropuertos:

You can enter Taiwan via the following airports:


There are direct flights to Taiwan from Canada, the United States, most of Southeast Asia, Hong Kong, Japan, India, and South Korea. Many travelers may find that they need to make a connecting flight from Bangkok, Hong Kong, or Japan.

You can take the following airways to enter Taiwan (here we only list Taiwanese airlines, you can take your own airline that can reach Taiwan):

Airport entry procedures


When entering the ROC, citizens of the ROC should line up in the “Citizens” line, while non-citizens should line up in the “Non-citizens” line.

Health check

Passengers will be subject to an infrared temperature check and be required to walk on a disinfectant carpet. People with fevers or flus should fill in a questionaire form to the Taiwan Center for Disease Control (CDC).

  • Passengers with items to declare must use the red line. Other passengers use the green line.
  • Passengers are forbidden from carrying plants, fresh meat, and fresh fruits and vegetables.
  • Passengers may be warned on the flight to Taiwan and will certainly be warned at the airport that bringing non-prescription/non-over-the-counter drugs into the ROC is punishable to the maximum penalty of death. Please do not bring pot: recently there were politicians who had to make public apologies for smoking pot.
  • Poppy seeds for baking purposes is strictly prohibited even though such seeds have been processed to make them unable to germinate.
  • See Local information regarding regulations for bringing pets to Taiwan.


Additional visa-related information not listed here can be found at the Bureau of Consular Affairs Republic of China (Taiwan) website.