
Wikimania 2007 Taipei :: a Globe in Accord


Do contact me at wikimania if you think we have similar interests.


web site (minimal)


Kim is currently working as a researcher at the Meraka Institute, managed by the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) in South Africa. The main focus of his research is the introduction of technology and collaborative learning opportunities, and FLOSS for knowledge sharing and education. Kim also provides general advocacy of FLOSS and libre knowledge. His background includes some cognitive psychology, computer science lecturing, environmental decision support-systems development and other aspects of software development (Java, architecture, patterns, agile methodologies, etc.), and conservation biology (M.Sc.). Given this background, he has an interest in knowledge patterns, collaboration, and knowledge transfer across disciplines. In the context of Open Educational Resources (OER) he likes to promote the concept of “libre learning,” emphasizing the freedoms that users of OERs (or, rather, “libre” resources) should enjoy to permit unrestrained social constructionist, student-driven learning in the emerging “copy-modify-mix-and-share” culture.

Interests for Wikimania

Research collaboration

  • The libre knowledge phenomenon.
  • implications for education and learning.

Philosophical Perspectives

  • The knowledge concept
  • The ethical perspective - libre knowledge vs open knowledge

Libre learning.

  • Social software and learning for all.

Making a Difference

  • Knowledge for all, towards wisdom - and a sustainable planet through global dialogue and collaboration).


Libre Knowledge and Another World is Possible‎