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Wikimania 2007 Taipei :: a Globe in Accord

Hello! My name is Phoebe Ayers. I am a librarian. I live in Northern California, and I work at UC Davis.

你好! 我叫Phoebe。我是圖書館員。我在加州大學戴維斯分校工作。

I spoke at Wikimania '05 & was program chair for Wikimania '06. I do other stuff on the projects as well.

I hope to study Chinese in time for this conference. Any tips or resources would be welcome :)

talk to me:
brassratgirl at gmail dot com
aim, irc, skype: brassratgirl; usually found in irc://freenode#wikimania when I'm available

Things that are (still) always welcome: good ideas, enthusiasm, coffee.
