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Talk:Team Bulletin

Wikimania 2007 Taipei :: a Globe in Accord
Latest comment: 18 years ago by Schiste in topic Usefull Sheet

I suggest that each bulletin have a link to the most recent previous and next bulletin so that interested readers can scroll through them. See, for example en:Wikipedia:WikiProject_The_Beatles/Outreach/Newsletter/Issue_002 which implements this using a subsidiary template en:Wikipedia:WikiProject The Beatles/Outreach/Newsletter/Issue-nav... Hope that helps and best wishes with your tasks! Lar 03:48, 29 October 2006 (UTC)Reply

If that is to be done easily, the scheme would need to be changed from [[Team Bulletin/date]] to [[Team Bulletin/consecutive number]]. But I think that would be easier to manage, so it should be done, IMHO. Jon Harald Søby 09:38, 29 October 2006 (UTC)Reply
Alternatively the template approach could be changed to take 3 string parms, past/current/next date... if there is interest I'd be happy to work on this for you, I enjoy template work. (it's not very hard really, but maybe no one else has time). I owuld have just done it, this being a wiki but I'm just a guest here :) (and am planning to attend if at all possible, but we will see) Lar 13:10, 29 October 2006 (UTC)Reply
Three paramteres is also possible, of course, but it requires a lot more work… (an astonishing 18 characters/bytes more per page, times ~50 weeks, times ~10 languages per issue = 9000 bytes characters/bytes). ;-) Jon Harald Søby 16:20, 29 October 2006 (UTC)Reply

Wikimania article on Wikipedia EN

Hi there, I'd suggest that any of the bulletins that people outside of the organizers would find important be summarised in the Wikimania article on Wikipedia. -- Zanimum 18:25, 4 December 2006 (UTC)Reply

On fr: when the bulletin is translated we announce it on the community actualities, I do think it's a better place than in a "encyclopedic" article :) Schiste 00:19, 5 December 2006 (UTC)Reply

Usefull Sheet

While translating and reading some stuff about Taiwan, I though it would be nice to make a sheet (pdf?) with all the usefull numbers and advices. I was thinking for exemple of the Consulat or Embassy, emergency numbers, usefull vaccinations, visa informations, etc... sending it with the confirmation e-mail, so all the persons comming would have the main informations on one paper. The only hard thing, is that it will change on the nationality... At least I'll do it for France, but I think it would be a good idea to make it for the others main countries, as Germany, UK, USA,... Schiste 01:31, 16 February 2007 (UTC)Reply