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Wikimania 2007 Taipei :: a Globe in Accord

The submission to Wikimania 2007 has closed. Thank you for your interest! If you submitted, but not got a notice from the Program Committee, please contact us.

To submit for Wikimania 2007 , please read Call for Participation carefully and then open this link: http://cfp.wikimania.wikimedia.org to submit. You need to create an account first if you do not have one. After you create an account, you can use it to access your submission later.

Select Submit a new abstract and fill out the form by following submission guidelines:

  • Title: Title in English.
  • Abstract content: a brief abstract with 50-100 words in English.
  • Summary: Detailed description of your submission (300 words or more). May contain a link to a more details on line.
  • Presentation type: Choose the type of submission (poster, workshop, etc.)
  • Primary authors: Contact information of the first author; add co-authors as necessary.
  • Track classification: Choose the best track for your submission.
  • Comments: Include additional information here:
  • 1-3 sentence bio for each author. You may also add wiki usernames and nicknames.
  • language(s) you are going to use.
  • the targeted audience you are going to reach and what previous knowledge or experience is required.
  • any special requirements
  • whether the presentation is intended to be a specific length.
  • whether you will attend to Wikimania (a) surely, (b) probably, (c) only if your submission is accepted, or (d) only if you manage to get further funding. It may be also helpful to add yourself to the public list of attendees at <http://wikimania2007.wikimedia.org/wiki/Attendees>.
  • BoF proposals should describe the significance of and community interest in the topic, and name the proposed discussion leader(s).
  • ...

Deadline for submission is 30 April!

The deadline has been extended to May 15 --TzuChiang Liou 00:55, 29 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]

See also