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Speakers/Heather Ford/zh-hant

Wikimania 2007 Taipei :: a Globe in Accord
Heather Ford

希斯‧福特(Heather Ford)是iCommons的首席總監,現居於約翰尼斯堡。iCommons是個相對年輕的組織,是在全球各地各種的創作共用(Creative Commons)潮流下形成的。每年,iCommons都會舉辦iCommons高峰會(去年是在里約熱內盧舉辦http://www.icommons.org/isummit/ ,今年則選定於杜布羅夫尼克Dubrovnik),讓在自由軟體、開放獲取、創作共用與自由知識與文化的組織人士齊聚一堂來討論他們開發的共用開放產品。

我們現在也嘗試著邀請那些在亞洲討論「著作權侵害」的人們一起加入共同知識與文化的辯論。 for example, decentralized distribution of local films in Nigeria and local music in Brazil called 'Tecno Brega' which has been distributed without the need for copyright controls. Above all, iCommons is determined to introduce a new diversity to debates around the commons, requiring a new focus on countries of the South in our work. This is hopefully where I can provide the most input to Wikimedia - and hopefully develop some partnerships as well.