Registration/About 0731 Accommodation
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Since most open Wikimania activities start from August 2, the organization team had reserved rooms in Chien-Tan Overseas Youth Activity Center (CTOYAC) from August 1 to 5. But because some organization members wish to arrive earlier and check-in the room in July 31, we contacted CTOYAC to check if there is any possibilities to reserve rooms for July 31 and CTOYAC agreed that although the room availability in the summer vacation might not be much, they could still offer us some beds in July 31. So when the registration was opened, the registration system allow people to apply for the room reservation for July 31.
After the first room cancellation in April 30, CTOYAC told us the room reservation is already over than what they can offer for July 31, so now we have a solution as followings:
- For people who has finished the registration and the payment process, the organization team confirm that your reservation will not be effected. We will arrange some of you to live as what you had reserved, and some to live in the six-people room in CTOYAC, and some others will be arranged to live in the nearby hotels. People who live in the six-people room and the nearby hotels in July 31 will be able to live in the 2-people or 4-people rooms in CTOYAC in August 1.
- For people who has finished the registration but has not paid for the fee yet, we will arrange some of you to live in the six-people room or the nearby hotels. If we still cannot receive your payment in May 15, your reservation will be canceled.
- For people who has not registered yet, the organization team now announce that we will not accept the reservation for July 31 anymore. Any reservation for August 1 and later will not be effected, but still limited by the accommodation rule in the registration form. If you still wish to arrive Taipei in July 31 or earlier, our official travel agency China Times Travel will be glad to serve you for the room reservation. (You may contact Gary Xi Gary at cts-travel dot com, TEL:+886-2-66083152)
We apologize for the inconvenience.
The organization team
Theodoranian and DAUCTER