Wikimania:Forum/Wikimedia Community
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Forum - Wikimedia Community
Discussion of topics about Wikimedia Community in Wikimania 2007. You can use name of proceeding for the section title.
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Understanding, defining, and developing Wikiversity (CL2)
In our group we talked about that...
- Since there is a big amount of structured content available already in the Internet (like in Wikipedia, MIT opencourseware, and growing) maybe Wikiversity could focus more on what to do with this content (from a constructivist learning perspective) rather than creating even more.
- Metaphor of libraries and Universities in the offline world, where the content is in one place and the learning interactions in another. Translated to Wikibooks and Wikiversity, but also to the openness of the wiki, the space at Wikiversity could be for facilitating the approach to materials.
- Maybe wikis could be (and Wikiversity should) a kind of hub for collecting, commenting, remixing this materials, learning and letting people guide each other the wiky way.
- We considered and took a look at the David Waley wiki-based course about open education, which has (rather than the complete pedagogical content) the sillabus, dates and mainly links to resources, among other things.
- Possibility of using Wikipedia external related tools like the Six degrees of Wikipedia for learners to find connections between related articles, and create explanations about their findings maybe on Wikiversity.
- Tools like FreeMind could help learners to map the way they are relating things (although it doesn't let you yet access it openly in a wiki), and once downloaded connect them as well and comment on that.
- Dicussed if things such like a strict timetable or the obligated presence of people that becomes less motivated should exist, since like in OST motivation is essential and constrains like strict timetables could not be that necessary.
- Possibility of developing little HowTos or tips about "learn how to learn", for giving newcomers first the chance of think about how do they learn (like in some 2nd language education techniques is done) and facilitate this way its first steps in a wiki learning environment.
Please make availabe any information pertaining to the talks by BMH and JP. Slides, PDF, audio, video, transcript, handwritten notes, summary, or anything, is welcome. Hillgentleman 10:42, 10 August 2007 (UTC)