James Forrester is currently serves as the Company Secretary of Wikimedia UK and an Arbitrator for the English Wikipedia. He was as the Chief Research Officer of the Wikimedia Foundation from 2006–2007. He has been involved in Wikimedia projects, primarily the English Wikipedia, since 2002.
Ward CunninghamWard Cunningham is the Chief Technology Officer of AboutUs.org, a growth company hosting the communities formed by organizations and their constituents. Ward co-founded the consultancy, Cunningham & Cunningham, Inc., has served as a Director of the Eclipse Foundation, an Architect in Microsoft's Patterns & Practices Group, the Director of R&D at Wyatt Software and as Principle Engineer in the Tektronix Computer Research Laboratory. Ward is well known for his contributions to the developing practice of object-oriented programming, the variation called Extreme Programming, and the communities supported by his WikiWikiWeb. Ward hosts the AgileManifesto.org. He is a founder of the Hillside Group and there created the Pattern Languages of Programs conferences which continue to be held all over the word. Wikipedia articleDirk Riehle
Dirk Riehle leads the open source research group at SAP Research. His research interests are open source software, collective intelligence and wikis, and object-oriented software architectures. In 2005, he started the Wiki Symposium, an annual conference dedicated to wiki research and practice, see http://www.wikisym.org. His website is http://www.riehle.org. Contact him at dirk@riehle.org.Jack HerrickJack Herrick started wikiHow in January 2005. wikiHow is a collaboration to build the world's largest, highest quality how to manual. With over 5 million visitors per month, wikiHow is one of the most widely read wikis after Wikipedia. Jack lives in Palo Alto, California, USA with his wife and 2 children.Erik Möller serves as the Executive Secretary of the Wikimedia Foundation's Board of Trustees, and is 28 years old and lives in Berlin, Germany. He has been an active editor of Wikipedia since 2001 and has also contributed to the underlying software, MediaWiki. Erik is a freelance journalist and author (Die heimliche Medienrevolution: Wie Weblogs, Wikis und freie Software die Welt verändern) and also manages wiki-related software development projects. He holds a degree in computer science. Beyond Wikimedia, he seeks to promote Free Content, Free Software, and balanced intellectual monopoly rights legislation.
This panel discusses the future of wikis as seen from multiple different perspectives.