
Wikimania 2007 Taipei :: a Globe in Accord


A ting is a session using collaborative-editor software. The result of the ting gets exported to a wiki-page shortly after the ting. During the ting a web-preview (example) updated every 60 seconds makes the ongoings visible to the public. The summary of the ting and the list of participants are syndicated using the ting-feed. Example: http://helios.wmid.amu.edu.pl/~sheep/mattis/image/Pic.23.png ting-feed

The term ting originates in the councils and gatherings of the ancient Germanians and Vikings called thing (in scandinavian languages: ting). The English word thing (like in something) has its roots in ancient tings. The Danish and Norwegian parliaments still have it in their names today: Folketing (ting of the people) and Storting (big ting). Tings originally took place in special locations in the open and always on day-time. The German and Swedish parliaments' names have their roots in that: Bundestag ("day" of the federation), Riksdag ("day" of the kingdom).

The first "modern" tings took place playfully in early 2005 using the proprietary MoonEdit collab-editor software. Early tings have been archived in the (old) ting-wiki. In 2006 ting moved to the free / open source Gobby collab-editor software. In 2007 ting moved to the ting-wiki. Latest tings have been archived in the collab-editor-wiki for testing wiki-net integration.

The standalone server used for tings is ting.sheep.art.pl:6522

It would be interes-ting to try out ting in the wikimania context. Some possibilites are mentioned in the beginning of 2007-07-22 ting