
Wikimania 2007 Taipei :: a Globe in Accord
This user is a Volunteer at Wikimania 2007.

This is George/Screaming,我是喬治/思庫靈敏

Hello! This is Screaming. You may call me George as my English name. Welcome to Wikimania 2007 in Taiwan, we hope you have fun here.

If you need any help, feel free to give me a whisper :)

大家好!我是Screaming(思庫靈敏)。大家都叫我喬治~ 歡迎大家參加2007 Wikimania 在台灣,希望大家都能盡興!

如果有什麼可以效勞的地方,請不要客氣  :)

--Screaming 07:44, 12 July 2007 (UTC)